Specialist Lists:
Clubs Associations & Institutes
Postal: 72,000
Telephone: 51,000
Email: 17,000
Coverage: UK
Club Type
Employee Band
Turnover Band
Email Address
Telephone Number
The Clubs, Associations & Institutes database represents a unique and highly responsive source for targeting clubs, business associations, societies and other membership organisations across the UK.
These bodies provide access to like-minded groups of people who share common interests or activities, and are receptive to offers for both their specific interests and for a wide range of more general promotions.
Types of organisation covered range from professional and amateur sports clubs, to social clubs, community centres and youth groups, and many more. The file also provides a range of business and enterprise membership organisations.
The database is built from a variety of data sources, and includes both desk and web research to give the best possible coverage. All data is updated and cleaned on a regular basis, and run against the appropriate Preference Service files prior to supply.
This database will prove highly effective for users such as:
Group Travel Offers
Visitor Attractions and Venues
Financial Services Products
Catering Products and Services
Maintenance & Cleaning
A full breakdown of organisations is shown on the datacard.

Other Specialist Lists
Accommodation Catering & Venues
Clubs Associations & Institutes
Decision Makers: Marketing & Sales
General Practitioners Database