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Specialist Lists:

Independent Retailers



Postal: 296,000

Telephone: 201,000

Email: 71,000


Coverage: UK



Retailer Type
Employee Band





Turnover Band

Email Address
Telephone Number



Independent Retailers is a unique, accurate and highly targeted list. Compiled and updated from more than 20 years’ knowledge of building and maintaining a database of this kind, the file offers the opportunity to promote to a multi-billion pound sector of the UK economy.


This sector of the retail industry remains a huge potential market. The Independent Retailers Confederation alone has some 100,000 members, and these types of outlets continue to have a considerable presence on our High Streets.


Precise targeting and research has allowed us to focus on owners, proprietors and managers with real buying power within their organisations, and with a need to expand and grow their businesses in potentially challenging times. 


The file includes over 250 retail headings covering all types of establishments. All records have a postal address available, 30% can be provided with email, and 65% have a telephone number. 


Independent Retailers is an ideal file for promotions including:


• Producers & Suppliers
• Wholesalers
• Security Systems
• Financial Services
• Store Equipment & Stock Control
• Legal Services
A breakdown of retail types is shown on the datacard, but please contact us for more detailed counts and information.



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